Everyone on earth has a day to answer the call of mortality. King
David called it “the way of all the earth” (1
Kg 2:2). For Apostle Paul, it is “the last enemy that
will be destroyed” (1 Corinth 15:26). Until the day
of the rapture of the saints, everyone has an appointed day with
death. That day could come for different people at different ages
and in different ways. The most vital issue to consider is what
happens after death.
The Scripture makes it clear that life does not end on this side
of heaven. There is life after death (Heb 9:27). Jesus, in his
story about the rich man and Lazarus, made it clear that when one
closes his eyes in death, he opens it in another place beyond this
earth. That place is either a place of torment and anguish or of
comfort and rest (Lk 16:22-23).
Hell and Heaven are real. Hell, on the one hand, is the place
where the wicked – those who reject God and His ways – transit
to at death (Ps 9:17). It is a place of terror, torment and anguish.
The fire in hell does not quench and the worms do not die (Mk 9:43;
Is 66:24). The Scripture reveals that God did not make Hell for
mankind, but for Lucifer and the angels who rebelled with him against
God (Matt 25:41). But all those who reject God and follow Lucifer’s
way of sin and rebellion are also condemned to be sent to Hell
for eternal punishment (Ps 9:17).
Heaven, on the other hand, is the place of rest for the saints
of God who depart from this world. Towards the end of Jesus’ ministry
on earth, he said, “I will go to prepare a place for
you … that where I am, there you may be also” (Jn
14:2-3). When he rose from the grave, he ascended to Heaven (Jn
3:13; Act 1:9-11). That is the place he has gone to prepare for
those who love and follow him.
Knowing that each of us has a destination beyond this earth,
we ought to consider the manner of life we live so that our eternity
is not spent in misery and doom. Prophet Amos said, “Prepare
to meet your God” (Amos 4:12). You need to ask yourself, “Am
I ready to meet God?” If your answer is “Yes”,
then, “Praise God”. You just need to stand strong in
faith and continue to grow in grace (1 Corinth 10:12; 2 Pet 3:17-18)
However, if your answer is “No” or “I’m
not sure”, then, you need to do something about it now before
it becomes late. The blood of Jesus was shed for the atonement
of your sins so you may be reconciled to God (Col 1:13; Rom 5:6-11).
Accept Jesus into your heart by faith as your personal Lord and
Savior, your sins will be washed away and you will be on course
for a blissful ride in your journey to eternity.
by – Evangelist Oguazi Onyemobi