There are times when we are in dare need of God’s help,
when we are in desperate need of His intervention in our affairs.
At such times, the surest way to receive opened heaven is through
earnest prayer.
Prayer is a vital key to the heart of God as it draws the praying person
close to his Maker and unlocks the mercies and the power of the Almighty
in response to the his request. In prayer, the mortal man links up with
the immortal God to establish the desires of God on the earth. There are
many things that will not happen unless men pray (2 Chron 7: 14); and there
are many desires of our heart that will not come to pass unless we pray
earnestly (Jn 16: 24). Little wonder Jesus taught that men always ought
to pray and not lose heart (Luk 18: 1). He knew the secrets of prayer and
made it pivotal to his life and ministry. No wonder he always had an opened
heaven (Luk 3: 21; 9: 28-29; Jn 12: 28).
In view of the daily challenges we face in our world today, we ought to
guard our loins in faith and pray earnestly and fervently in order to receive
our desired breakthroughs. Elijah went up the mountain and cast himself
down in prayer like a woman travailing with labor pains until the keys
that locked the heavens over their nation for three and a half years were
opened. His prayers ushered in a season of abundance of rain (1 Kg 18:
Paul said, “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thes 5:17). Our prayer
should not just come as a sporadic action when we have tried every other
option and failed. It should be a continuous act that will keep heaven’s
gate open for our blessings. Therefore, child of God, Awake to prayer,
and Pray without ceasing!
Pray – O
Lord, rend the heavens and come down for my help; teach me
to pray fervently and ceaselessly so that the outpouring of
your blessing may not cease in my life.
by – Evangelist Oguazi Onyemobi